Monday, 2 February 2009

I have the best Job in the world

Most people who work outside would not be happy with today’s weather. My only problem was getting to some of the places where I walk dogs. I just stuck to the main roads and walked the rest of the way where it was bad so my vehicle didn’t get stuck.
First this morning was Poppy and Lily who are in boarding kennels at the moment. They luuurrrved it and Poppy made lots of snow angels.

Then it was Charlie and Ollie who again had a great time and even took some time out to pose for a super photo.

Then Minnie and Ollie. Ollie the Shitz Tzu was not happy about the snow balls attached to his coat and would probably have preferred to stay at home in front of the fire.

Then there was Rosie and then finally was Kim.
So I spent most of my day playing with dogs in the snow and throwing snow balls for them to catch AND I got paid for it!!!!

Well 4 hours of training to do now.