Daycare is picking up nicely, we now have 7 dogs who come regularly

All the dogs get on really well, we have a new sofa donated by my brother for the daycare rest room which the dogs like alot.

We have a new staff member Natalie who started this week to help with Daycare. Natalie has lots of academic qualifications and practical experience related to animal care and came highly recommended, she also has the cutest Chinese Crested Powderpuff called Lola.
On Easter Sunday we had our first CAP1 training day. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed it. There was me, Matt, Stewart and Jayne, two handlers from our classes Jackie and Anne-Marie and 2 APDT trainers Cas from Yorkshire where Matt did his gundog tests and Sue from Dogs Can Do in Rossendale. Everyone was really nice and we had a really good day. Helen is a great instructor and we all learnt a lot from her.
I have requested some dates for CAP2 starting in summer and we are looking at K9 Multisports.
I got some new material for the posts so they are now blue and match the rest of the centre!!
Its really busy at the moment, I’m booked up till the end of May for one to one and behaviour but hopefully our new addition to the team will enable me to commit more to this, I now have clients travelling from as far as Preston and Cumbria!!! We have a waiting list for mixed activity classes, puppy class availability is from the end of April and Adult beginners is May!!
I had lots of enquires for Freestyle/HTM classes so we will be starting these in the next few weeks.
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